Patient Reviews: Dr. David Quinn

David E. Quinn, M.D.

The following are reviews from patients of Dr. Quinn.
  • “Dr. Quinn was great. He was friendly and clearly explained everything I needed to know.”
    – John M.
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  • “Dr. Quinn was very well-spoken, kind, and seemed concerned about my issue.”
    – Andrew S.
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  • “Dr. Quinn figured out what was going on and actually got me on a course of action. ”
    – Ginnie F.
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  • “Knowledgeable and friendly. ”
    – Carol Z.
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  • “David Quinn is a great practitioner. He spent time with me and explained all of my options. From my perspective he prefers to look at alternatives to surgery, surgery being his last choice for remediation. ”
    – Norman L.
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  • “My appointment was prompt. Dr Quinn did an excellent CMC arthroplasty with a Stablynx implant on April 17. I am progressing well and I am very satisfied with Dr Quinn and his staff. ”
    – Cindy C.
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  • “As with all the other professionals I have seen at the Bone & Joint Center I had immediate and full confidence in his approach and suggestions for treatment. He confirmed the diagnosis, gave me the options, let me decide, then did the operation and while I'm still recovering I have every confidence that my arm will be back to normal well before the predicted six months is up. ”
    – Dick R.
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  • “Dr. Quinn has performed 5 surgeries on me through the years. Bilateral endoscopic carpal tunnel releases, bilateral trigger thumb releases and the latest one was right rotator cuff repair surgery. He's always been a pleasure to see and to talk with, but it's his skill that really impresses me. He specializes in the upper extremity and really knows his stuff!! I really dreaded the rotator cuff surgery, knowing how long I'd have to be immobilized and the stiffness and pain that rehab usually brings. But he made the experience so easy right from day 1. The pain was minimal, I healed quickly and he was always very encouraging and the whole process was complete before I knew it! I'd never hesitate to have him perform ANY upper extremity surgery on me and will always go only to him as long as he's available. I've always meant to send some sort of a thank you letter to him and I'm ashamed to say I've neglected to do so. So here's my opportunity: a big huge THANK YOU, Dr. Quinn!!!!!! By the way, I'm a Certified Hand Therapist. So I'm very discerning about what providers I see!”
    – Betsy C.
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  • “Was treated for trgger finger in my thumb . I went to a emergent care back in November for the pain and was told something is wrong we will give you a cortizone shot. Two weeks later the pain came back , i called my primary DR. and he recommended Dr. Quinn. I was amazed at the care i was given at the start of the visit threw the end . Dr. Quinn expained all about my discomfort and how they should treat it.I went back to recieve another cortizone shot and was told how to ice it, excersise my hand and thumb month and a half pain free.”
    – Thomas N.
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  • “Surgery went as expected with less pain then expected afterward. Nice job... thank you Dr. Quinn!”
    – Deirdre Z.
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  • “I was very happy with how I was treated.”
    – Adam W.
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  • “Had surgery on left elbow due a fall in winter 2014. The ulna bone was fractured. This was the 2nd surgery by Dr. Quinn, 3rd surgery in all. Dr. Quinn was excellent in that he had to repair what the 1st surgeon botched, including removing a great deal of inflammation. This last surgery was removing the hardware that was put in a year ago and removal of a bursitis type growth that was showing on the outside of the elbow. I would recommend Dr. Quinn (and have), along with The Bone and Joint Center, to anyone having orthopedic issues.”
    – Deb B.
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  • “Everyone was so nice and took the time to treat each patient, one at a time. Instructions were given at least three times so that they would be remembered. Thanks.”
    – Deborah W.
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  • “Dr. Quinn was very professional, supportive and comforting.”
    – Charles R.
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  • “I recently had surgery at the bone and joint center for carpal tunnel release on my right wrist. Dr. David Quinn was the surgeon. I chose Dr. Quinn because he did the same surgery on my left wrist 13 years ago, and I didn't so much as need a tylenol for pain afterwards because I had no pain. The same holds true this time!!! The best part is, he made the incision in the crease of my wrist and I don't have any visible scar!!! Thank you so much Dr. Quinn!!! Because of you, there is no more tingling or numbness in my fingers!!”
    – Virginia R.
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  • “I chose The Bone & Joint Center for two surgeries and both times I had Dr. Quinn as my Doctor. He saved me from losing two fingers and he worked on my shoulder. He seems to care about his patients very much and as patient you are put at ease during your care. If I ever need surgery again that requires the expertise I would without a doubt I would return to The Bone & Joint Center.”
    – Dino P.
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  • “Dr. Quinn, in my opinion, is an excellent doctor. This is the third time I have had to have surgery on my hands, and he has always been there to help me. He is professional, while also able to make me feel completely at ease with him. I would recommend him any chance I had.”
    – Joan M.
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  • “I have been treated twice by Dr. Quinn. First for a rotator injury in 1996 and was pleased with the outcome and was happy to discover he was to be the attending doctor for a hand injury in 2015. On both occasions, I was treated professionally and successfully.”
    – Edward C.
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  • “I have been playing sports competitively for over half a century and have had many injuries over the years. The worst hand injury I had occurred in January of 2015 in the form of my ring finger joints on my right hand being crushed by the fellows I was playing with. I have had jammed knuckles before, but never to this extent. After over a year, I finally decided to get it looked at. I first saw Dr. Lozman who took a few x-rays and said that I had broken it and it had healed improperly, so he referred me to another surgeon at The Bone & Joint Center, Dr. David Quinn. I was very pleased when Dr. Quinn reviewed everything with me and concluded that surgery would not be a benefit for me or my finger. He suggested that I try paraffin baths to try and loosen up the middle joint, which was still quite bent. I have been using warm paraffin baths on my finger religiously since and I plan on doing it for a year. I am still able to participate in all of the sports that I enjoy. I believe I have seen an incremental improvement in the finger joint since I started the paraffin baths. I believe that Dr. David Quinn made a good and practical call on my jammed finger situation.”
    – Charles D.
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  • “Professional and able to talk to patients in layman's terms.”
    – Paul S.
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  • “George fractured his thumb and it was his last visit. He has healed well and Dr. Quinn helped him when he almost lost his middle finger years ago and he told him it was lucky that he did not damage the tendons. We are very pleased with his work. He has good patient relations and is very kind.”
    – George B.
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  • “Had problems with severe joint pain. Dr. Quinn ordered a thorough panel of blood test. Very satisfied with my visit.”
    – Brigitte C.
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  • “Fantastic doctor. Great bedside manner.”
    – Kelly F.
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